Friday, November 30, 2012

In which I went to many gigs

Well well, looks like I've been naughty again and not post for a month.. Ideally would like to post more frequently but life gets in the way! oh well. Last month has been busy as because of work and also I have my assessments due for my diploma degree. Can't wait for this to finish, I am just so over it.

There was this one week where Radiohead and Coldplay was in Sydney. I, of course, was there to see them. I didn't buy the tickets for Radiohead but the boy hunted down some ticket sellers on gumtree who was willing to sell their tickets on fair value so we're so lucky :P
Had these before the concert from Dixon food court in Chinatown. These was from the chinese place next to Gumshara ramen. They were yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and so great in value as well. I didn't finish my meal so I pack it home for lunch the next day. 
Have I proclaimed my love for Singaporean-style hainan chicken? so simple yet so mindblowing-ly delish.
Did not take any pics from Radiohead because it was so dark and we don't exactly have the best seats.. beggars can't be choosers. I'm pretty happy with the concert because they play a decent amount of good old songs. Being in their concert is kind of like.... walking when super drunk in a rainbow coloured tunnel is the best way to say it. Love them love them. Anyone reading my blog went to the concert? did you enjoy it? (you better) 
I went to the NSW state library on the weekend. Not because I am an artsy booksy type like Carrie Bradshaw but because I needed to do my assignment - was gonna do it at work but turns out that I only have 5 days a week access :( so library it is. The library itself is stunning.. they had this Australian Ballet exhibition going on until I think February.. and its so pretty! I never thought too much about ballet and how big of a production it is. Loved all the costumes, can't believe how incredibly detailed they are. 

Luff this wall

 I went to Coldplay's Sunday concert. It was fabulous. Just look at those lights!! the lightning arm band is just a genius idea. I never thought that Coldplay will be so good live - Chris Martin sounds exactly like how you hear him on the radio- maybe even better.  My facebook was jam packed with 'omg Coldplay awesome' post on the Saturday and I came with high expectation and they did not dissapoint. Luff it 10/10. Anyone reading my blog went to Coldplay? I swear half of Sydney must have gone - 55,000 people that night + 55,000 on Saturday night. That's a looottt of people!

Very happy to feel summer coming. Love it love it. Just can't wait!

Stay safe everyone xxxxxxxxx

Saturday, November 3, 2012

didn't get fired after 1 week so hooray!!

Hi all!!! I had a damn busy week and I'm glad but sort of lost. You know that feeling when you are consistently busy and then suddenly BOOM you have nothing to do? .. OK I should be doing the washing and cleaning my room but I.. just.. can't be bothered.

Anyway so as I have mentioned in the previous posts, I quit my good ole' job in the Forest and started a new gig in town. It was scary and exciting at the same time when I started- I was scared that people in my new job were going to be colleagues from hell type of person, but they are all lovely so all good (or maybe I just haven't figured out yet!!) They got me working from day 1 and get the whip out on day two by giving me a project (of sorts) with deadline on my 4th day there. That one ends up quite well and everyone seems to be happy with my work so it makes me happy too. The other thing that I enjoy is that, as I'm a junior no more, although no senior either, they take my opinions and suggestions and actually use it to make a decision. I work with the owner of the company on my last gig and they usually just use their own opinion to decide stuff for the business, so being able to suggest something and seeing the senior actually use my suggestions to make decision is quite something (To readers who are more established career wise, please pardon my giddyness, I'm still in that good ol' starting up years :P) I'm a bit disappointed that they don't do casual fridays but that's OK as they still have beer o' clock/more like wine o' clock!

OK no more work thingies. Last weekend I went to dinner in Hong Fu Eastern Chinese Restaurant in Paramatta for my cousin's birthday. The place is so smalllll and I highly doubt that the waitresses speaks English, but it doesn't matter because the food is goooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddd
Steamed pork ribs

Dumplings with chili oil... 

The whole spread!
 We went to Church St for dessert after stuffing ourselves with these fabulous food...went to my family's favourite ice cream joint - Nut & Fancy.
Gelato in a mug.. they could do better with their presentation hey.. I still like it anyways. I had berries and also mango gelato that day. yummm

The boy had this beautiful waffle and ice cream and also some choco milk shake. Greedy boy, he is. 
Outfit photos, stolen from instagram. last pic is from yesterday (Friday). You can see that I don't really care about dress codes on Fridays! Then again you can just throw on a black blazer on everything and you'll instantly look smarter. Mine is from Portmans and its fits me like a dreammmmmmm. 

Are you following my instagram? My ID is Frauelize :) let me know yours! xx